Conceptual Eyewear Brand
corner of design
九州福岡市内のアパレルやメガネマンが集い誕生したデザイナー集団がデザインを行うアイウェアブランド。毎シーズンVintage Eyewearをベースに現代的な解釈を加えたコレクションをReserchシリーズ(復刻)とSublimationシリーズ(昇華)の2軸のシリーズで展開。ファッションに特化したブランドの潜在的なエッジを強調したデザインもさることながら、シリーズの随所に遊び心が垣間見えるのも特徴の1つ。
An eyewear brand designed by a group of designers from fashion peoples and eyeglass lovers in Fukuoka City, Kyushu. Based on vintage eyewear with a modern interpretation, the collection will be developed in two series, "Reserch" series and "Sublimation" series. The design emphasizes the potential edge of a fashion-focused brand, but one of the features of the series is that there are glimpses of playfulness throughout the series.