
ミスタージェントルマンアイウェア デザイナー・高根氏 インタビュー 前編

ミスタージェントルマンアイウェア デザイナー・高根氏 インタビュー 前編


2012年にスタートした日本のアイウェアブランド、ミスタージェントルマンアイウェア(Mr.Gentleman EYEWEAR)は、広島県のオプティカルストア〈SENSE〉のオーナー・高根俊之氏による日本のアイウェアブランド。眼鏡屋のオーナー自らデザインを手掛けることで始まったブランドだが、一流ブランドに比肩するクオリティで、国内外問わず人気を集めて続けている。コンセプトは『憧れを生み出す物』。展開されるメガネやサングラスのデザインは、高根氏が幼少期から影響を受けてきたミュージシャンや俳優、映画、音楽などにインスパイアされており、時代に左右されない多様なアイテムが揃う。



Mr. Gentleman EYEWEAR, a Japanese eyewear brand that started in 2012, is a Japanese eyewear brand founded by Toshiyuki Koune, the owner of the optical store SENSE in Hiroshima Prefecture. The brand started by the owner of the eyewear shop designing it himself. It became popular both in Japan and overseas with the quality comparable to the high end optical brands. The concept is "things to create longing for". The design of the glasses is inspired by musicians, actors, movies, music, etc that Mr. Koune has been influenced by since childhood. He creates various items that are timeless.

This interview features the inside story of the brand. We asked Mr. Koune, a designer of Mr. Gentleman Eyewear, about the birth story of the brand and what he values in craftsmanship.


- 眼鏡屋のオーナーであり、ミスタージェントルマンアイウェアのデザイナーでもある高根さん。何故アイウェアに関わる道に進んだのか、まずはそのきっかけをお聞かせください。



- 『憧れを生み出す物』というコンセプトでも、ミュージシャンについて言及されていますよね!音楽は常にデザインの軸にあるんですか。



- ご自身も憧れのスタイルを真似されたりしたんでしょうか。


Born in an optical shop

- Mr. Koune, the owner of SENSE and a designer of Mr. Gentleman eyewear, please let us know what made you to pursue a career related to eyewear.

The answer is very simple. My parents owns an optical shop and I grew up watching them working at the shop. It was not a stylish eyewear shop, but it was an ordinary optical shop where local and neighbors come. It was naturally happened for me to become an optician. That is why I decided to go to optometric school in Tokyo. Honestly speaking, I was playing in a band at that time, so I wanted to live in Tokyo as well.


- Musicians are also mentioned in the concept “things to create longing for” as well. Is music always on the key influence of design?

I was influenced by foreign music such as The Beatles and Duran Duran. Everything I've been seeing from foreign culture was very cool and admiring. The actors in movies are also attractive as well. The look of wearing glasses and sunglasses was very stylish. I think it has something to relate with the fact that I was born in an ordinary eyeglass shop. As a reaction to seeing people wearing glasses just as a tool for correcting eyesight, it may have made them more attractive to those who take glasses in fashion.


- Did you imitate your favorite style?

When I was in middle school, I had a shaved head and didn't need to wear glasses because my eyes were pretty good. But I wore various glasses and sunglasses that I thought they were cool. Since it was in a rural area, people may thought I have been a weird kid. I wanted to wear glasses as a fashion. Since then I had been thinking about opening an optical store. There were no stylish spectacle shops in Hiroshima at that time and I always wanted to get rid of the negative image that people wearing glasses were lame.


- お店を持ってからおよそ10年で、ブランドを始められました。



- 眼鏡店のオーナーとして、お客さまとお話しする機会も多いと思います。そこで得たものは、デザインにどう生かされていますか。


Believing in myself

- t's been about 10 years since you opened the store, then you started Mr. Gentleman EYEWEAR.

It's been 18 years in total in the eyewear industry. I started working at a major optical company and opened SENSE after returning to Hiroshima. I've seen a lots of various eyewear brands. The idea of "making eyewear that suits my personality" kept growing stronger. I started to think "do not just placing an order from brands or makers, try what I have faith for". It's again naturally happened starting own brand.


- There are many opportunities to talk to clients as a owner. How do you apply into your design what you input from the clients?

Just because it's my own store doesn't mean that I am actively recommending Mr. Gentleman Eyewear to our clients. I try not to decide what customer requested for design perspective. However, there may be slight part of design that are naturally reflected from customer's voice. Their offhand comments secretly make me happy and encouraged me a lot.


- ブランド名に込められた意味を教えてください。



- 雑誌がきっかけだったとは驚きです!世代を問わずそれぞれが持っている「紳士像」、まさにミスタージェントルマンアイウェアにぴったりだと感じます。それでは、物作りにおいて大切にしていることは何ですか。



- 具体的に言うと、どんなところに気をつけていらっしゃいますか。


"Gentleman figure" everyone thinks

- Please tell me the meaning of the brand name.

The word "longing" has always been in my head and I wanted to create a product that everyone yearn for. The key was how to output it to actual products. There was a magazine I was happen to be reading and it was featuring an article “What does Mr. Gentleman mean to you?". Fashion designers, public figures, and artists from different field were talking about their ideal gentleman images that have been inspired of. That overlapped with my "longing", that’s why I chose the brand name Mr. Gentleman.


- That was a great coincidence. It sounds perfect match that each generation has own gentleman figure and your "longing" image. What do you think is important to consider when developing products?

As I said, "longing" is the main theme. but the most important value is a pure quality of products. The value of product changes considerably depending on where it is placed or how to represent. The effect of lighting and the vibe of the store itself is pretty effective. I want to make things that is unchangeable without any touch or arrange. That is my base line and I value the most.


- Would you specify what you are careful about?

It's a balance. A design, a texture, and a quality. It is not always the best answer if the glasses are comfortable to wear and lightweight. In other words, the uncomfortable one is not the worst. I think that the balance of all elements of eyewear is really important. I don't compromise on quality of made in Japan. Meeting people and builds a trust based relationship leads real craftsmanship.


- 製品は主に、国内屈指のメガネ産地である鯖江市で製作されています。そこにはどのようなこだわりがありますか。



- さいごに、ブランドとして今後どうありたいか、お考えがあればお聞かせください。





山田ルーナ - 文

One and only for 10 years

- Products are mainly manufactured in Sabae City, one of the leading eyeglass manufacturing city in Japan. Why do you choose Sabae city?

Rather than sticking with Sabae, we stick with factories with professionalism. It's an illusion that quality can be maintained if made in Fukui. Sometimes I see factories in China makes better quality than factories in Japan. Character of craftsman’s and factories are very important. Even with a same drawing, a number of processes is completely different and turns out completely different finished. Our products are manufactured with a factories have commitment of quality and built a trust relationship. They were in Sabae City.
18 years of experience in eyewear industry is helping you in the present. I would like to continue to watch a craftsmanship of made in Japan.


- In the end, please let us know your next challenge for Mr. Gentleman EYEWEAR.

I, of course would like to expand the brand. But I feel conflicted at the same time. It may be a business success if we could sell a thousands of pair of glasses even they would be gotten tired of wearing them for a month. I would be so grateful if it would be only one person thinks he wants to wear Mr. Gentleman eyewear for their lifetime. I rather going the direction than just earning money.


Mr. Koune, the owner of SENSE and a designer of Mr. Gentleman EYEWEAR. He is like a little boy who is into creating things he is admiring of. Not only his products itself, but his personality also brings fans. Keep your eyes on his future collections that creates "longing".


Luna Yamada - interviewer




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